Friday, December 09, 2005

Introspection of histrory should not be shuned

When I found and read the news, 韓国政府転覆はでっち上げ 民青学連事件で調査公表 (A fabricated conspiracy to overthrow the Korean government. The investigation report of incident of Student Union of Democratic Youth published) on Asahi Shinbun's website, I did envy and admire the S.Korean people.

The democratization of S.Korea and Taiwan was late in comparison with Japan and Occidental countries. The democratic campaigners had been fighting for quite a long time before the dictatorial government stepping down and democracy being established.

However when the S.Korean are honestly facing the faults they made before, Taiwanese still shun to introspect our own history so far.

KMT, the once-dictatorial-party that slaughtered and oppressed Taiwanese people, has never been inquired into their guilt. Also the incumbent goverment has never officially and openly looked into the politicians involved in those shameful deeds. What even more ridiculous is KMT just secured a landslide in joint local election held on December 3rd, 2005.

Now I believe the deep influence of education and media. So pathetic that our people are so well brainwashed that they've been turned to think and act weirdly and unreasonably.

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